Past Members
Lisa Reagan
Board Member
After many memorable summers here on the Vineyard, Lisa moved from Hingham to live full-time on the Island in 1991. She happily raised her two children, Ellie and Jack, here on the Vineyard, engaged with all that the waters and fields and farms have to offer children. After teaching, Lisa served for many years as both member and chair of the the Oak Bluffs School Committee, MV Regional High School Committee and All-Island School Committee. Lisa has also served on the Northeastern University Parents’ Council, The East Chop Beach Club (Board) and the MV Vaccine Task Force.
Lisa credits her parents, who are also full-time Islanders, with instilling in her the value of volunteerism. Lisa devotes significant time to work on the Scholarship Committee, as well as other Foundation work supporting the Island community and its vast and varied fabric of people that make her home so incredibly special to her.