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Community & Impact Grant Recipients

2024 Grant Recipients
OrganizationCategoryAmountProject TitleBrief DescriptionFund/s
ACE MVLanguage Access $ 19,000 ACE MV Language Access & Equity Outreach Program, 2024-25To serve 160 multilingual and non-native-English speaking adult and young adult Island residents interested in further education/ and economic opportunities by expanding ESL class offerings and holding workshops to train people as facilitators and translators.Vineyard Unrestricted Fund, Biondi Family Fund for Children
Animal Shelter of Martha's VineyardOther Community Projects $ 2,356 Animal Shelter of Martha's Vineyard Rabies ClinicTo provide Island pets and their owners with rabies treatments and annual certifications during a daylong clinic at which 3 veterinarians will treat the animals. Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Aquinnah Cultural CenterEducational Opportunity $ 15,000 Wôpanâak Education and Outreach ExpansionTo support expansion of ACC's Wampanoag educational programming to Island students and their teachers as well as community education at locations across Martha's Vineyard.Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
BiodiversityWorksEnvironmental Initiatives $ 6,315 Community Science and Education for Bird ConservationTo create stations in the State Forest that will monitor birds during nesting season, and then offer field trips to local schools and possibly summer camps as well as the general public so that they can learn more about species on the Island.Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Camp JabberwockyAccessibility $ 14,000 Scholarship Support for Campers from Martha's VineyardScholarship support would ensure that campers from Martha's Vineyard can attend this unique camp for people with disabilities without financial burden to themselves or their families.Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Chappaquiddick Community CenterOther Community Projects $ 6,500 Community Playground at the Chappaquiddick Community CenterThe Chappy Community Center seeks to fill the need for inclusive outdoor play space on Chappaquiddick for approximately 25 year-round children and approximately 600 year-round and part-time residents. General Discretionary Fund
Circuit ArtsArts & Cultural Enrichment $ 10,000 Circuit Arts After-School Performance & Media ClassesTo expand youth arts programming through new after-school workshops in filmmaking, improvisation and theater for Island elementary, middle and high school students and will host a film production internship with its documentary unit Circuit Films.Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Communication Ambassador Partnership of Martha's Vineyard, Inc.Language Access $ 15,000 CAP Stepping Stones Mentorship and Interpreting Program: Benefitting Island Young Adults and BeyondThis program supports immigrant and first-generation young adults with their college and career pathways through a high school community interpreting course and mentorship.Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Community Action Committee of Cape Cod and the IslandsOther Community Projects $ 25,000 Legal Assistance for Immigrants on Martha's VineyardApproximately 100 immigrants from Brazil, the Caribbean and eastern Europe will be served through free or low-cost legal clinics held twice a month with an on-Island attorney in order to facilitate citizenship, family unification, work authorization and other issues.Emergency Response Fund
First Congregational Church of West TisburyFood Security $ 15,000 First Congregational Church: Community Meals and Food Outreach ProgramTo help expand the Community Meals program to increase the number of homebound, elderly and people in need who are served, including provision of meals to unhoused people at Harbor Homes, as well as implement a new food waste composting system.Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Garden Gate Child Development Center, Inc.Educational Opportunity $ 5,270 Increasing Diversity Through School Leadership; Year Two - Affirming Identity and BelongingTo deepen the school's engagement with the Island's Brazilian community and increase inclusive thinking and practices at the school. Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Grace ChurchFood Security $ 8,000 Grace Church Community SuppersFor creation of approximately 1,700 free meals available for community members to pick up and also to provide meals to the un-housed guests at Harbor Homes's shelter.Kellman Family Fund, Martha's Vineyard Community Services - Driving the Future Fund, Alfred F. Ferro and Edward S. Redstone Fund for the Elderly of Tisbury
Great Pond FoundationEnvironmental Initiatives $ 6,500 Resilient Ecosystem MentorshipTo increase the Island's environmental sustainability through support of a yearlong mentorship program for an environmental scientist engaged in scientific monitoring of the Island's ponds.Island Fund for the Environment
Habitat for Humanity of Martha's VineyardHousing $ 4,000 Habitat for Humanity of Martha's Vineyard homes being built in West Tisbury and Oak Bluffs.To purchase new tools to be used in the short-term for constructing 3 houses in Oak Bluffs and West Tisbury, and long term on future projects building houses for low-income families on the Vineyard. Wallace & Co./Sotheby's Community Housing Fund
Harbor HomesHousing $ 25,000 MV Cares CoalitionTo support continuation of a new grassroots approach to supporting the Island's unhoused population through meals, medication, and other services during months when the homeless shelter is not open. Emergency Response Fund, Wallace & Co./Sotheby's Community Housing Fund, Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Health Imperatives, Inc.Health Services $ 20,000 Martha's Vineyard Equity NowTo serve 125 women from the Island with health care services that they would not otherwise have access to because of being uninsured or under-insured.James P. Cahen Fund, Katherine Harding Deeble Fund, Island Fund for Health
Healthy Aging Martha's VineyardOther Community Projects $ 12,500 On-island Transportation Solutions for MV's Older AdultsA request to support the “right sizing” of existing transportation programs and continue to ensure their financial sustainability while adding vital new cost-effective and sustainable options. Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Hospice and Palliative Care of Martha's VineyardHealth Services $ 15,500 "Grief Support Phase II: School Based Grief Program and Family Grief Camp Healing"Through school-based grief groups and a daylong family camp, Hospice will provide short-term therapeutic grief support services for children and adolescents as well as their family members or caregivers. Emma MacKay Hall Fund, Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Island Autism Group IncAccessibility $ 10,000 Island Autism Group (IAG) Afterschool and Summer ProgramsTo be used towards scholarship support for Islanders on the autism spectrum to participate in after-school and summer programs.Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Island Community ChorusArts & Cultural Enrichment $ 2,000 Musical Accompaniment for Island Community Chorus PerformancesTo assist the Chorus with the cost of hiring guest artists for its concerts at the Old Whaling Church in December 2024 and April 2025.Island Fund for the Arts
Island Grown InitiativeFood Security $ 11,000 Island Food Pantry: SmartChoice SoftwareThrough adoption of a data collection system for the Island's food pantry, IGI will create an easier process for users to order and pick up food as well as collect information about pantry visitors.Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Island Housing TrustHousing $ 20,500 Island Housing Trust Strategic Plan 2030By hiring a consultant to guide the organization through the process of establishing strategic goals, IHT will determine how it can build 150 new homes over the next 5 years. Vineyard Unrestricted Fund, Wallace & Co./Sotheby's Community Housing Fund
Islanders WriteArts & Cultural Enrichment $ 3,000 Islanders WriteTo support the summertime festival bringing together Island-affiliated writers, readers and publishing industry representatives and expand the program through a March 2025 mini-fesival that will include student participation.Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Martha's Vineyard Agricultural SocietyEnvironmental Initiatives $ 6,000 Programming and Support for Backyard Food ProducersTo provide approximately 200 local backyard growers with workshops, a conference, and garden tours, with the goal of achieving climate change goals and addressing food security and local sustainability efforts.Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Martha's Vineyard Boys & Girls ClubFood Security $ 20,000 Beyond the Bell Food Security ProgramTo address food insecurity by providing out of schooltime snacks, prepared grab-and-go meals, fresh produce, non-perishable food items every day for racially and socially-diverse Island children who are living at or below poverty level. I/Community, Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Martha's Vineyard Center for LivingOther Community Projects $ 10,000 Music, Movement and MeaningTo serve Islanders with dementia through individualized plans including arts, exercise and interactions to improve cognitive function.Martha's Vineyard Community Services - Driving the Future Fund
Martha's Vineyard Chamber Music SocietyArts & Cultural Enrichment $ 2,500 Artist in Residence Focus on Folk MusicTo continue the Artist in Resident program and enable Rasa String Quartet to travel to the Island in March 2025 and hold individual and group string instruction for Island students and also present a concert for families and a community concert. Island Fund for the Arts
Martha's Vineyard CommissionOther$ 25,000To support survey and analysis of the Islandwide effort to create affordable housing options.Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Martha's Vineyard Diversity CoalitionArts & Cultural Enrichment $ 4,200 Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) Elders Oral History Project-MVDC Education Program (EdCo)To record the voices, stories and history of Island BIPOC and immigrant elders, serving students, teachers, elders and community organizations through multicultural and intergenerational dialogue.Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Martha's Vineyard Fishermen's Preservation TrustFood Security $ 25,000 Seafood Donation ProgramFunding will enable Martha’s Vineyard Fishermen’s Preservation Trust seeks funding to support local fishermen by purchasing catch that is then processed in Menemsha and donated to food security programs at island organizations such as IGI, MV Boys & Girls Club and the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head/Aquinnah. Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Martha's Vineyard HospitalHealth Services $ 31,473 Health Care for Islandershelps pay for the medical expenses of families and individuals in need who have received care from the Martha’s Vineyard HospitalMayhew - Nevin Memorial Fund
Martha's Vineyard Museum Inc.Educational Opportunity $ 7,000 Martha's Vineyard Museum Education Program SupportTo support and supplement Martha’s Vineyard Museum's Education program as it grows alongside the community’s needs for engaging, relevant, and enjoyable educational experiences. Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Martha's Vineyard Ocean AcademyEducational Opportunity $ 25,000 Shenandoah Tuition Assistance 2025A grant would support tuition assistance for approximately 160 elementary and high school students from the Island to experience sailing and personal development experiences on the Shenandoah. Harriet N. Goldberg Fund
Martha's Vineyard Shellfish GroupEnvironmental Initiatives $ 7,915 Repair and rebuild of essential seawater pump at the John T. Hughes HatcheryFor the repair and rebuild of essential seawater pump at the John T. Hughes HatcheryHarriet N. Goldberg Fund, Vineyard Unrestricted Fund,
Mass Audubon / Felix Neck Wildlife SanctuaryAccessibility $ 5,000 Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary’s All Persons TrailTo convert segments of existing trails and add a short section of new trail to create an ADA-compliant All Persons Trail for visitors of all abilities to enjoy.General Discretionary Fund, Island Fund for the Environment
Misty Meadows Equine Learning CenterAccessibility $ 15,000 Full Accessibility at Misty MeadowsBy renovating its restroom to make it ADA compliant, Misty Meadows will be able to fully serve the diverse populations it serves through partnerships with community organizations whose participants are elderly and/or disabled.General Discretionary Fund
MV Mediation ProgramOther Community Projects $ 5,000 Family Matters--Parent and Family Mediation ServicesAn award would support program expansion to serve 75 families through a process of increasing communication and facilitating decisionmaking.Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Penikese Island SchoolEducational Opportunity $ 5,000 Penikese Island School DaysTo help fund trips for Vineyard students (grades 4-8) to attend a "Penikese Island Discovery Day" field trip, a day of immersive, place-based learning, exploring the natural and historical wonders of a unique sister island.Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Sail Martha's VineyardAccessibility $ 7,500 Sail MobilitySail MV seeks help to fund the ongoing development and delivery of its SailMobility program, the Island's only adaptive sailing program, so it can be provided free of charge to island residents aged 8 and older with mental and physical challenges.The Joy Fund, Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Sassafras Earth EducationEducational Opportunity $ 6,500 Sassafras Summer Camp 2025 Repair and Financial Aid FundThis grant would fund full or partial financil aid to youth in need who will Summer Camp 2025 at Sassafras Earth Education, an indigenous Wôpanâak nonprofit in Aquinnah. Lillian Hellman Recreational Fund, Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
The Trustees of ReservationsAccessibility $ 5,000 Islands AccessibilityWith key equipment purchases, such as a wheelchair accessible wagon and kayaks, the Trustees will provide equitable experiences at Long Point and the FARM Institute.General Discretionary Fund
The Yard, Inc.Arts & Cultural Enrichment $ 6,500 Âs Nupumukâunean/We Still Dance developed by Aquinnah Wampanoag Tribal members & Danza OrgánicaFor redevelopment and performances of We Still Dance, a contemporary evolution of the Wampanoag storytelling tradition, that will utilizing dance and music and place The Yard in collaboration with the Aquinnah Cultural Center, Wampanoag Tribal Members, and Danza Orgánica.Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Vineyard Health Care Access Program / Dukes CountyHealth Services $ 18,500 Vineyard Smiles Adult Dental ClinicThe program will consist of 2 weeks of portable dental hygiene services for low income adults on the Vineyard who do not have access to routine dental care. Island Fund for Health, Vineyard Unrestricted Fund, Emergency Response Fund
Vineyard House Other Community Projects $ 10,000 Resident Support AdvocatesA grant would support expanding the Resident Support Advocate program to include not just current residents and recent graduates but Islanders who are experiencing or have recently experienced relapse. Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Vineyard Montessori School, Inc.Educational Opportunity $ 11,000 Equitable Access Tuition Assistance (formerly known as Strong Start Scholarship)Through the Equitable Access program, VMS will provide reduced tuition and scholarship support to approximately 25% of the families whose children are enrolled at the school. Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
West Tisbury Library Foundation, Inc.Language Access $ 5,000 Creating a Multi-Lingual LibraryTo support the library's ability to better serve the Island's Brazilian Portuguese speaking community through language instruction for staff and expanding the library's holdings available in Portuguese.Kellman Family Fund, Island Fund for the Arts, Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
YMCA of Martha's VineyardAccessibility$12,500 Enhancing Pool Safety and AccessibilityTo expand accessibility for people with disabilities by replacing the pool's chair lift and installing push button systems for 3 locker room doors. General Discretionary Fund, Martha's Vineyard Community Services - Driving the Future Fund
2023 Grant Recipients
OrganizationCategoryAmountBrief DescriptionFund
ACE MVEducational Opportunities$20,000Language Access Cohort Learning, focusing on medical interpreting/translationMigrant Relief Fund / Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Aquinnah Cultural CenterOther Community Groups$1,000awarded to during the Creative Living Award Ceremony from the Philanthropy Raffle prizeVineyard Unrestricted Fund
Camp JabberwockyOther Community Groups$10,000Camp Jabberwocky scholarships for Island residentsVineyard Unrestricted Fund
Circuit ArtsArts Enrichment$10,000MV Children's Theater Camp Scholarships for Island ResidentsIsland Fund for the Arts / Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Communication Ambassador Partnership (CAP)Educational Opportunities$19,000Stepping Stones Mentorship, matching first-generation immigrant students with volunteer mentors to help them navigate life, career, and higher education after graduationGeneral Discretionary Fund / Migrant Relief Fund / Vineyard Unrestricted Fund /
First Congregational Church of West TisburyFood Security$10,000Community Meals and Food Outreach ProgramEmergency Response Fund / Kellman Family Fund
Friends of MVY RadioArts Enrichment$2,000Radio Games After-School Program for Junior High StudentsGeneral Discretionary Fund / Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Friends of SengekontacketEnvironmental Initiatives$2,000Summer Intern ProgramHarriet N. Goldberg Fund
Garden Gate Child Development CenterEducational Opportunities$6,000 Diversity, Inclusion, Equity & Accessibility Project: Increasing Diversity Through School LeadershipGeneral Discretionary Fund
Great Pond FoundationEnvironmental Initiatives$13,000Nitrogen Reduction Education Campaign: Forego Fertilizer, Protect PondsIsland Fund for the Environment / Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Harbor Homes of MVHousing Resources$25,000Tashmoo House Upgrades and RepairsVineyard Unrestricted Fund
Havenside CorporationHousing Resources$9,350Havenside Aging In Place Shower Conversions for Older AdultsWallace & Co. Sotheby's International Realty Community Housing Fund
Health ImperativesDirect Health Services$20,000"Martha's Vineyard Equity Now,” a initiative to provide free sexual and reproductive health services to un-or-under-insured women on Martha's VineyardGeneral Discretionary Fund / James P. Cahen Fund / Migrant Relief Fund
Healthy Aging MVOther Community Groups$25,000GoGoGrandparents transportation program for older adultsVineyard Unrestricted Fund
Hospice and Palliative Care of Martha's VineyardDirect Health Services$9,340Community Grief Support for Children, Adolescents, and Families on Martha's VineyardEmma MacKay Hall Fund / Island Fund for Health
Island Autism GroupOther Community Groups$15,000Island Autism Group Afterschool and Summer ProgramsMV Community Services' Driving the Future Fund / Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Island Community ChorusArts Enrichment$3,000Island Community Chorus Holiday & Spring ConcertsVineyard Unrestricted Fund
Island Grown InitiativeEducational Opportunities$10,000Cooking in the SchoolsWendy Weisman Jenkinson Culinary Arts Fund
Islanders WriteArts Enrichment$1,500Islanders Write 2024, bringing writers and publishing professionals with ties to the Vineyard together to explore the art, craft, and business of writing through writing workshops, panel discussions, and author signingsVineyard Unrestricted Fund
Lagoon Pond AssociationEnvironmental Initiatives$2,0002024 Internship ProgramHarriet N. Goldberg Fund
Martha's Vineyard Agricultural SocietyEducational Opportunities$8,000Farmworker Training and Education SeriesIsland Fund for Community / Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Martha's Vineyard Boys & Girls ClubEducational Opportunities$5,000Out-of-School Learning and After-School Programs at the ClubVineyard Unrestricted Fund
Martha's Vineyard Cancer Support GroupDirect Health Services$10,000Emergency Financial Assistance to Islanders Undergoing Cancer TreatmentEmergency Response Fund
Martha's Vineyard Chamber Music SocietyArts Enrichment$3,500Artist in Residence: Jazz for StringsIsland Fund for the Arts
Martha's Vineyard Fishermen's Preservation TrustFood Security$25,000Seafood Donation ProgramVineyard Unrestricted Fund
Martha's Vineyard HospitalDirect Health Services$31,000To help Island residents pay medical billsMayhew-Nevin Memorial Fund
Martha's Vineyard MuseumEducational Opportunities$10,000MVM Education ProgramsMV Community Services' Driving the Future Fund
Martha's Vineyard Ocean AcademyEducational Opportunities$10,0002024 Shenandoah Student Tuition AssistanceHarriet N. Goldberg Fund
Martha's Vineyard Shellfish GroupEnvironmental Initiatives$19,800Seawater intake repairs at the Hughes HatcheryGeneral Discretionary Fund / Harriet N. Goldberg Fund
Mass Audobon / Felix NeckEducational Opportunities$5,000Fern & Feather Preschool and Camp Play Yard UpgradesVineyard Unrestricted Fund
Misty Meadows Equine Learning CenterOther Community Groups$12,400"Forging New Paths," equine therapy programs with Island Elderly Housing, Island Autism, and Kinship HealsAlfred F. Ferro and Edward S. Redstone Fund for the Elderly of Tisbury / MV Community Services' Driving the Future Fund / Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Penikese Island SchoolEducational Opportunities$7,000Penikese Discovery Day Field Trips for Island StudentsHarriet N. Goldberg Fund / Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Sail Martha's VineyardEducational Opportunities$10,000Summer Sailing Camp tuition assistance for Island studentsGeneral Discretionary Fund / Harriet N. Goldberg Fund
Sassafras Earth EducationEducational Opportunities$9,000Financial Aid support for Wôpanâak youth to attend its summer camp and after-school programsLillian Hellman Recreational Fund / Vineyard Unrestricted Fund
Vineyard Health Care Access ProgramDirect Health Services$8,750Vineyard Smiles Adult Dental ClinicKatherine Harding Deeble Fund / Island Fund for Health
Vineyard HouseHousing Resources$10,000"Clean Start" Program Upgrades which provides housing for Island men and women in need of a safe structured living environment while they are in the early stages of recovery from alcohol and drug addictionVineyard Unrestricted Fund
Vineyard Independence PartnershipArts Enrichment$2,400Art Training and Enrichment ClassesJoy Fund
Vineyard Montessori SchoolEducational Opportunities$18,000Strong Start Scholarship ProgramVineyard Unrestricted Fund
West Tisbury Library FoundationArts Enrichment$4,000Community Room A/V UpgradesKellman Family Fund
2022 Grant Recipients
Aquinnah Cultural CenterCommunity$10,000Aquinnah Wampanoag Island Outreach ProjectIsland Fund for the Community, Lillian Hellman Recreational Fund
BiodiversityWorksEnvironment$7,500"Invasive Plant Brigade" programIsland Fund for the Environment
Camp JabberwockyHealth$10,000Scholarships for Island residentsGeneral Discretionary Fund
Circuit Arts (previously MV Film Festival)Community$7,500Schoolwide Filmmaking ProjectIsland Fund for the Arts
Communications Ambassador PartnershipCommunity$19,740Language access programs at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School and across the IslandEmergency Response / Urgent Needs Fund
Featherstone Center for the ArtsArts$4,000Literary arts at Featherstone and this year's Slough Farm writer's residencyIsland Fund for the Arts
First Congregational Church of West TisburyCommunity$10,000Community Suppers programGeneral Discretionary Fund, Kellman Family Fund
FUELCommunity$8,500Tuition assistance for Martha's Vineyard students aboard SHENANDOAHHarriet N. Goldberg Fund
Garden Gate Child Development CenterCommunity$2,260"Creating Studios of Learning" programEmma MacKay Hall Fund
Harbor Homes of Martha's VineyardCommunity$25,000To provide emergency shelter for individuals who are homelessWallace & Co. Sotheby's International Realty Community Housing Fund, Rental Relief Fund
Health Imperatives of Martha's VineyardHealth$15,000"Martha's Vineyard Equity Now,” a initiative to provide free sexual and reproductive health services to un-or-under-insured women on Martha's VineyardMayhew-Nevin Memorial Fund, James P. Cahen Fund
Healthy Aging MVCommunity$15,000GoGoGrandparents transportation programVineyard Unrestricted Fund
Hospice and Palliative Care of Martha's VineyardHealth$9,831To fund child and adolescent bereavement education for HPCMV cliniciansMartha's Vineyard Community Services’ Driving the Future Fund, James P. Cahen Fund
Island Elderly HousingCommunity$7,124Phase 2 of the accessible Community GardenWallace & Co. Sotheby’s International Realty Community Housing Fund
Island Grown InitiativeCommunity$15,000Educational cooking programs for Martha's Vineyard studentsWendy Weisman Jenkinson Culinary Arts Fund
Island Health CareHealth$22,611.20 Islandwide Produce Prescription ProjectMassachusetts' Community Foundation Grant for Covid-19 Relief
Lagoon Pond AssociationEnvironment$5,0002023 Internship programHarriet N. Goldberg Fund
Penikese Island SchoolEnvironment$5,000"Discovery Day" field trips for Vineyard students to Penikese Island Harriet N. Goldberg Fund
Martha's Vineyard Boys & Girls ClubCommunity$10,000After school programs at the ClubGeneral Discretionary Fund
Martha's Vineyard Chamber Music SocietyArts$3,000Quintango artist in residence programKellman Family Fund
Martha's Vineyard Public Charter SchoolArts$10,000The Drama Club's participation in the 2023 Edinburgh Fringe FestivalVineyard Unrestricted Fund
Martha's Vineyard CommissionEnvironment$9,300Phase II of the Pilot Sengekontacket Salt Marsh Migration ProjectHarriet N. Goldberg Fund
Martha's Vineyard MuseumArts$7,500Oral History Preservation ProjectHarriet N. Goldberg Fund
Martha's Vineyard PlayhouseArts$5,000Workshop and production of the play: Miss Maybelline's Nocturnal Flights of Fancy Island Fund for the Arts
Mass Audubon's Felix Neck Wildlife SanctuaryEnvironment$7,200Accessibility efforts and the "Nature Access for All" programJoy Fund, Katherine Harding Deeble Memorial Fund
Misty Meadows Equine Learning CenterHealth$7,500"Increasing Access" campaign, including "outreach to the Brazilian student population"Island Fund for Health, Katherine Harding Deeble Memorial Fund, Alfred F. Ferro and Edward S. Redstone Fund
MVCET (previously ACE MV)Community$5,000Early Childhood Education programs offered through MV Community College ConsortiumIsland Fund for the Community
MV MediationHealth$8,500Youth Mediation and Conflict Resolution ProgramsMartha's Vineyard Community Services' Driving the Future Fund, Island Fund for Health
MVYRADIOArts$3,000 "Radio Games" after school programIsland Fund for Community
Red Stocking FundCommunity$7,500 To provide warm winter clothes to 300 children on Martha’s VineyardVineyard Unrestricted Fund
Sheriff's Meadow FoundationEnvironment$2,500TrailsMV app upgrades and developmentIsland Fund for the Environment
Vineyard Montessori SchoolCommunity$10,000Strong Start scholarship programGeneral Discretionary Fund
The YardArts$7,500"Dance in the Schools" programIsland Fund for the Arts
Martha's Vineyard HospitalHealth$20,196To help Island residents pay medical billsMayhew-Nevin Memorial Fund
Rental Relief FundCommunity$3,000Rental relief for market rate rentersWallace & Co. Sotheby’s International Realty Community Housing Fund